Um Imparcial View of final fantasy 7 remake

Um Imparcial View of final fantasy 7 remake

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Critical response to the new combat has been positive, partly due to the strategy needed and the distinctive fighting style of each playable character, such as Cloud wielding a sword, in contrast to Barret's shooting from afar.[119][117][140][125] GamesRadar also praised the combat for the strategy required, due to each enemy having a weakness, and the variety among the characters thanks to their unique traits.[127] RPGamer praised both the return of Materia used to provide magic attacks and the addition of upgradeable weapons in order to let players decide which equipment they want to use.

He wants revenge, and Barret softens up to him. They return to the hideout door and Leslie goes in alone, but Don Corneo sees his attempt to kill him and disarms him. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa come to Leslie's aid, but Don Corneo sets another one of his pet monsters on them and escapes. Leslie gives Cloud and his friends grappling guns to climb over the Sector 7 wall, and from there they can reach the Shinra Building.

Cloud and Tifa stumble upon an illusion of the events that took place in Nibelheim five years ago and Sephiroth shows Cloud was never there, his role taken by a man called Zack. Tifa cannot refute Sephiroth's claims, and Cloud begins to believe they are true. Sephiroth claims Cloud is but a facsimile created by Hojo, a puppet with false memories posing as a boy "Cloud" Tifa knows from her childhood.

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When they find Don Corneo's hideout, one of Don Corneo's pets steals the key from Leslie. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa give chase, and reclaim it, only to find it was not a key, but a necklace that once belonged to Leslie's fiancé especialmentee, Merle. Leslie reveals that she was chosen to become one of Don Corneo's brides, and disappeared without a trace right after.

The reactors siphon energy called mako out of the planet and convert it into electricity, giving consumers access to technological comforts and innovations that ease and improve the quality of everyday life.

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However, the real battle lies not with a corporation, but a force much more competent from the distant past. A long-thought dead warrior bent on becoming a god by draining all of the Lifestream from the Planet has risen again and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

In the lobby, Tifa makes her way inside the reception and obtains a keycard to access the rest of the building. Cloud believes Aerith is being held in the research labs near the top floors, and Tifa thinks Hojo's lab being located on the 65th floor is the most likely place. Either using stairs or an elevator, they make their way to the 59th floor, and work from there.

Cloud, Tifa e Barret se infiltram na sede da Shinra e conseguem resgatar Aerith antes dela ser posta em uzo como experimento por Hojo, este principal cientista da empresa.[20] Ela revela ser a última descendente dos cetra, uma raça precursora quase extinta qual residia na chamada "Terra Prometida", qual a Shinra cobiça encontrar por suas reservas do mako sem fim. O grupo encontra uma criatura falante semelhante a 1 lobo chamada Red XIII, que explica de que as entidades fantasmagóricas qual estão cruzando o sinal deles sãeste chamadas de Murmúrios.

As Cloud and Tifa are rescued from the Lifestream the restored Cloud returns to lead the party, revealing to the others he is not an ex-SOLDIER, as he had not been mentally strong enough to qualify.

Gaia is a technologically advanced planet dominated by humans, who are the only major sentient race other than a few nearly extinct species.

Final Fantasy final fantasy 7 rebirth VII Remake is the first part of the Final Fantasy VII remake project and the first installment of an intended trilogy of games, acting as a partial remake of Final Fantasy VII, originally released for the PlayStation in 1997. The game covers the first portion of the game completely remade, using the story and characters from the original, but with new gameplay systems inspired by the original title. Each game in the project will have a volume of content comparable to a standalone Final Fantasy game.

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